Upper Austrian economic experts

This year’s Chamber of Commerce Industry Day again showcased POLYTEC GROUP expertise

The Industry Day of the Upper Austrian Chamber of Commerce was held on 22 May 2019 at the Linz Design Center and provided a forum for thought-provoking presentations and discussions.


New solutions for the future

The theme of the event, which was attended by numerous regional business leaders, was “Business models on the test stand – disruptive times demand new solutions”. The successful strategy consultant and author, Edgar Geoffrey, was the guest speaker and with its focus on the current upheavals in industry, his keynote address prompted both reflection and partial rethinking. The main premises of Mr Geoffrey’s presentation were that the customer must form the centrepiece of every strategy and not merely be satisfied, but rather thrilled and even amazed.


POLYTEC in the expert panel

Following Mr Geoffrey’s lecture, experts from local industry participated in a panel discussion during which they were asked to provide insights into the workings of their companies. Together with Roland Faihs (delfortgroup AG) and Erwin Raffeiner (Sprecher Automation GmbH), POLYTEC CEO Markus Huemer was part of this select round and reported on how POLYTEC manages to reinvent itself on a daily basis and be ideally prepared to punctually meet the challenges of tomorrow.